Form A – Report of Referee (Ordering Off) First Name * Last Name E-mail Address: * Referees Union * Referees Phone Number * Players FULL NAME * Players CLUB * Venue * Date of Fixture * Grade * Players Playing Position * Players Number * Match Result (pts vs pts) Foul Play Incident Details *Please SelectLaw 9.7 (a) Intentionally infringe any laws of the gameLaw 9.7 (b) Intentionally knock onLaw 9.7 (c) Do anything that leads to a match official to consider an opponent has committed an infringementLaw 9.8 Repeated infringement by a teamLaw 9.9 Repeated infringement by a playerLaw 9.12 Physical abuse by a playerLaw 9.12 Verbal abuse by a playerLaw 9.13 Dangerous tackle (including early, late or dangerously)Law 9.16 Dangerous chargingLaw 9.18 Lifting tackleLaw 9.19 Dangerous play in a scrum9.20(a): Dangerous play in a ruck or maul. A player must not charge into a ruck or maul. Charging includes any contact made without binding onto another player in the ruck or maul.9.20(b): Dangerous play in a ruck or maul. A player must not make contact with an opponent above the line of the shoulders.9.20(c): Dangerous play in a ruck or maul. A player must not intentionally collapse a ruck or a maul.9.20(d): Dangerous play in a ruck or maul. A player may lever the jackler out of the contest at the ruck but must not drop their weight onto them or target the lower limbs.9.21: A player must not retaliate.9.23: A player must not attempt to kick the ball from the hands of the ball-carrier.9.24: A ball-carrier is permitted to hand off an opponent provided excessive force9.25: A player must not intentionally charge or obstruct an opponent who has just kicked the ball.9.27: A player must not do anything that is against the spirit of good sportsmanship.9.28: Players must respect the authority of the referee. They must not dispute the referee’s decisions. They must stop playing immediately when the referee blows the whistle to stop play.Other Period of game when incidence occurred *Select1st Half2nd HalfExtra Time Elapsed time in period Proximity of Referee to incidence (in metres) Score at the time (pts vs pts) Had any cautions been issued to individual? *SelectYesNo Had any cautions been issued in general? SelectYesNo What are the circumstances of this report? * Was the incident ‘flagged’ by officially appointed AR *SelectYesNo If yes, who? Was the opposition player injured? *SelectYesNo If yes, please give brief description Did he/she receive medical attention? *SelectYesNo Did he/she have to leave the field as a result of the injury? SelectYesNo Did the player ordered off accept the decision without dissent? SelectYesNo Verification Code: Enter Verification Code: * * Required Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...