The culmination of a year’s hard work is coming to fruition in today’s Thames Valley Rugby Union finals here at Boyd Park in Te Aroha which is proudly sponsored by HG Leach and Company Ltd. I sincerely thank them for their on-going sponsorship over many years. It is indeed a special privilege for me as President to extend a warm welcome to all the club teams, their management groups and each of our successful clubs’ devoted supporters for today’s games. It is the pinnacle for our club players to contest a final and to all those teams that are participating today I sincerely wish them every success.
To make any final is a wonderful achievement and worthy of genuine praise, but to come away with a victory is the ultimate reward for the team, club, and supporters. Participating in a final for your club is a superb achievement and one that each player chosen can feel rightly proud of. From personal experience securing a win is a memory that each winner will cherish for many years. To win the McClinchy Cup for our premier sides will be a great thrill for our winners today in the Championship final.
It is also important for me to record our thanks for our hard-working group of referees. The Thames Valley Rugby referees have worked tirelessly throughout the year around all our club venues. They also play a crucial part in all the unfolding final’s games throughout the day. Those referees chosen today deserve recognition from us all for being awarded a final to control. As always, I am thankful that our Thames Valley referees give up their time to adjudicate all our club rugby.
May I pass on the Union’s thanks to our wonderful hardworking staff, who have set up the fields, facilities and equipment required for a successful Final’s Day. The staff group work hard alongside the group of supporters who also give up their time to assist them before and after the games with signage, roping off the fields and the preparation of the fields. These folk always complete the myriad of tasks that are required with finesse and skill. Their contribution to these finals is also gratefully recognised.
It is a wonderful privilege for me to extend a warm welcome to ‘Grassroots Rugby’, who thankfully are continuing their coverage of Grassroots rugby throughout New Zealand. Therefore in conclusion can I extend a very warm welcome to our Life members, Board members, all our much valued sponsors and of course all club officials and supporters. The 2024 H G Leach club finals are a day of great enjoyment for the winners and of course I congratulate these teams. I also feel the pain if you do not reach your goal in today’s finals – therefore please accept my best wishes to all teams today.
Finally, therefore to all participants and their supporters please enjoy your day.
Good luck.
Ross Cooper
Thames Valley Rugby Union.